阿里国际站主播通用话术,B端卖货过渡话术 欢迎XX来到XX的直播间, 喜欢主播的点个关注哦! Welcome XX to XX live showroom. If you like our company, click “follow” in the upper right corner of the mobile phone screen. 观看我们的直播会有优惠活动哦,请不要走开,我们在下一部分会揭晓活动内容 There will be discounts for watching our live show, please stay in our live room, and we will give you a surprise in the next part. 我们的店铺有优惠券, 如果批量订购,还会有额外的优惠 We have coupons during the live show, and if you bulk order, we will have additional discounts. 感谢来到我们的直播间, 很高兴在这里遇见你们 Thank you for coming to our live room, we are so grateful to have you guys here. 我们提供各式各样的定制服务,像logo,标签,包装等,发询盘给我们,我们将会帮助你设计自己的产品 We provide a variety of customized services, such us, logos, labels, packages and so on, send inquiry to us, we will help you design your product. 我们有丰富的经验帮助客户建立自己的品牌,如果你想建立品牌我们会是个绝佳选择。 We have rich experience in helping customers build their brands, so we will be the right choice if you want to make a brand.