
淘宝 淘宝 655 人阅读 | 0 人回复 | 2023-05-18

Tmall Global Merchant Onboarding Guide


Taobao Account and Global Alipay Account Registration
  • 淘宝账户注册 Taobao Account Registration



温馨提醒: 如果您以注册淘宝新帐号方式申请,不建议您在帐号名称中填写旗舰店、专卖店、专营店,否则会提示您涉及敏感词哦。入驻成功之后,淘宝账户和天猫账户不会有关联影响。

A new Taobao account is needed to submit onboarding qualification documents and to view store onboarding progress. You can register for a new Taobao account or use a previously registered personal or enterprise account to submit qualification documents (please note that you cannot use the same account that was used or associated with a previously opened Tmall or Tmall Global store)

Taobao Account Registration URL: https://reg.taobao.com/member/reg/fill_mobile.htm

Reminder: If you are registering a new Taobao account, it is recommended

that you DO NOT include the brand or store name as these are considered sensitive words. After successful onboarding, your Taobao account and Tmall store account will not have any association with one another.
  • 海外支付宝账户注册 Global Alipay Account Registration


温馨提示:如您对海外支付宝注册有疑问,请点击 global.alipay.com 联系在线客服或发送邮件至 global.service@alipay.com 进行咨询。

You will need a Global Alipay account to be associated with the Tmall Global store to receive payments and to pay store-related expenses. Please click to view Global Alipay Account Operation Manual.

Reminder: If you have any questions related to Global Alipay account, please go to global.alipay.com and contact online customer service or send your inquiries via email to global.service@alipay.com.

二、激活邀约码 Activate Onboarding Invitation Code
  • 查收入驻邀约码,提交入驻资质

Receive Onboarding Invitation Code and Submit Onboarding Qualification Documents




When you receive approval to be invited to join Tmall Global, please provide a valid email address to receive the invitation code, related approval notices and other relevant communications. Please ensure the email address provided is valid and active.

邀约邮件内容如下:Invitation Code Email Example


温馨提示:请您在 15 天内访问并查看激活信息;如您一直未收到邀请码邮件,请优先查看是否在垃圾邮件,如确认未收到请及时联系与您对接的 BD 小二,尝试更换邮箱;如超时未激活,则当前邀请码将会过期,请与您的 BD 小二进行沟通。Reminder: Please view and activate your account within 15 days of receiving the invitation email. If you have not received the invitation code email, please check your spam folder first. If you confirmed you have not received this email, please contact your BD personnel to change to a new email


address; If you have not activated your account within the given period, please also communicate with your BD contact.
  • 点击邀约链接,登录淘宝账号,输入邮箱及邀请码,点击【开启入驻】。


Click the link to activate, log into your Taobao account, enter email address and invitation code, then click 【Start Onboarding】.





Reminder: If you are logged into a Taobao account and received the following screen after you click the link for the first time, this means that you have used a Taobao account that was used for a previously opened Tmall or Tmall Global store. Please log out of that Taobao account and use a different account.
  • 请您阅读了解入驻流程,确认符合入驻条件,然后点击【立即入驻】继续申请。Please read the onboarding process, ensure that you can fulfill all onboarding criteria, then please click 【Onboarding Now】 to continue the application process.


  • 点击【确认】之后,用于提交入驻材料/查看入驻进度的淘宝账户将无法更换,该淘宝账号亦无法用于其他天猫平台店铺的激活。

Once you click【Confirm】, the Taobao account that is used for login cannot be changed or used for any other stores on the Tmall platform.


三、提交入驻材料 Onboarding Qualification Document Submission
  • 填写邀约品牌信息 Brand Information
Please select if the brand has been registered with the Trademark Office of the PRC. Please check with the brand owner or on the official website of the Trademark Office of the PRC.


If the trademark has been registered in China, the following is needed:
  • 填写商标注册/申请号 Fill in Trademark Registration Number



If trademark has not been registered in China, the following is needed:
  • 填写品牌发源地 Fill in brand country of origin
  • 上传品牌发源地商标注册材料,非中/英文需补充提供授权代表人签字的翻译件

Upload trademark registration from country of origin, if the document is not in Chinese or English, then a translated version signed by the authorized signatory is needed.
  • 宝贝外包装图片 Image of product with logo clearly displayed


提供商标资质 Trademark Qualification Submission

Please submit the scanned version of the original trademark registration, must include trademark name, trademark owner, registration date, category type. If the document(s) is not in Chinese or English, then a translated version signed by the authorized signatory is needed.


提供授权证明/进货凭证 Brand Authorization Submission
温馨提示:品牌旗舰店需根据模板出具独占开店授权书,其他类型店铺如提供销售授权或进货凭证则无固定模板。同时,所有授权文件需要由授权公司 CEO 或董事签署。


Reminder: For brand flagship store, the authorization must follow the template “Authorization for Flagship Store on Tmall.hk”. For other store types, there is no template. The authorization must be signed by the CEO or Board of Director.
  • 填写品牌授权链路 Fill in Brand Authorization Chain


If trademark owner is the store entity, select 【Yes】;



If non-trademark owner is the store entity, select 【No】and fill in the complete authorization chain.
填写企业信息 Company Information
  • 填写企业基本信息 Fill in Company Information



Company information should fully match official registration document(s). If company has English name, then please fill in the English name of the company. Please make sure capitalization, spacing and punctuation match the official registration document(s).


  • 填写申请人信息 Contact Person Information



Fill in mobile number, wangwang and email address to be used to receive approval notices. Email will also be used to communicate promotions, regulations and platform notices, so please fill in the information correctly.
  • 上传企业资质 Upload Company Qualification Documents

根据实际情况,上传企业资质,其中授权代表人声明授权文书请根据模板出具, 材料提供完成后请点击【下一步】。

Upload company registration document(s) and declaration of authorization. For the declaration of authorization, please use the template provided by your BD contact.

  • 授权代表人是指声明书中被授权人,如被授权人与授权签字人为同一人,请在授权代表人声明授权文书处补充该人的股东证明或董事证明。授权代表人身份证件请提供签字版本。

  • Authorized signatory/representative is the person named in the Declaration of Authorization. If the authorized signatory is also the same person signing the document, then please provide proof of shareholder or board of director.
  • Provide signed copy of authorized signatory’s ID.


  • 店铺命名 Store Naming

1) 系统会自动根据品牌名、公司名、经营类目等实际情况自动生成相关的参考建议。如可选店铺名或域名没有您想要的信息,请您依据《天猫国际店铺命名规


System will automatically use brand name, company name, category name to generate a store name for consideration. If the recommended store name is not your preference, please reference 【Tmall Global Store Naming Criteria】and submit a store name for approval.

温馨提示:店铺名限制字符数为 24 个,如果品牌名超出限定字符数,请将建议店铺名填写在【店铺命名建议】的位置,如果不符合店铺命名规则,您的对接招商小二会与您进行线下沟通确认。

Reminder: Store naming is restricted to 24 characters. If the preferred name exceeds this number, please fill in name in 【 Store Naming Recommendation 】 . If the preferred name does not conform to the naming criteria, your BD contact will communicate with you offline to confirm an appropriate name for the store.


  • 所有信息提交完成后,请您再次确认填写的信息是否正确,如需修改,可点击【返回修改】,返回填写页面修改信息。如信息无误,无需修改,可点击【确认无误提交】提交申请资料给天猫国际。

Once all required information has been filled in and/or uploaded, please confirm again that everything is accurate and correct, if changes are need, you can click 【Back to Edit】



  • 等待审核结果 Pending Review
  • 申请资料提交成功后,请耐心等待小二审核,小二将在 3 个工作日内反馈审核结果,审核通知将通过预留邮件、旺旺、短信通知您!


Once all qualification materials have been submitted, please wait patiently for review. You should receive the result within three (3) business days via email, wangwang or SMS that you provided.

Reminder: Once qualification materials have been submitted, you cannot make any changes. Please wait for the review results.


  • 审核期间如资料不符合要求,需要您补充修改,系统会以邮件和短信的方式通知您登录淘宝账号查看修改,您登陆本页面后,点击【前往修改】根据提示操作并提交。


If the materials provided do not fulfill the onboarding criteria, you will be notified via email or SMS to log into your account and make necessary changes. After you log into your account, you can click 【 Go to Edit】to submit changes.


四、激活账号,完成开店任务 Activate Account and Complete Store Open Tasks
  • 入驻审核通过后,您将会收到如下通知,请根据邮件内容操作激活店铺:


Once your onboarding qualification has been approved, you will receive the following notice. Please follow the instructions to activate the store:
  • 您需要根据页面提示设置相关店铺信息并设置结算币种,并点击【激活账号】。 温馨提示:用于绑定店铺的海外支付宝账户注册公司名必须与平台入驻的开店主体公司名一致,且结算币种需要与海外支付宝结算币种一致,否则后期会影响货款结算,请务必关注。

Please follow the instructions to setup related store information and


settlement currency. Once complete, please click 【 Activate Account 】 . Reminder: The Global Alipay account entity associated with the store must match the entity used to open the store. The settlement currency also needs to be the same as the Global Alipay account. Otherwise, future payment settlements will be affected.
  • 设置信息完成并点击【确定】以激活账号。

Once setup information is complete, click 【Confirm】 to activate account.



Reminder: Alipay email address cannot be the same as the Tmall account email. If you see the following notice on the screen, it means that the two email addresses are the same. It is recommended to contact Global Alipay online customer service to change the Alipay login account email address.


  • 激活账号后需完成开店前相关任务并签署相关协议。待签署会显示【前去完成】,已签署会显示【已完成】。您可以点击【前去完成】按钮前往相关页面进行操作,操作完成后可以点击【刷新状态】查看进度。

Once the account has been activated, there are agreements that need to be signed. For agreements that need to be signed, the screen will show 【 Go to Complete 】 . If agreements have been completed, the screen will show

【Completed】. You can click on 【Go to Complete】to read and complete necessary documents. Once completed, you can click on 【Refresh Status】to see the latest progress.



If the screen shows the following, it means that you have successfully completed the signing process.


  • 锁定保证金。Submit Security Deposit

您的页面会提示您店铺需缴纳的保证金金额及本年度需缴纳的年费金额,请您根据需缴纳金额充值相应费用至您店铺的国际支付宝中,如您在充值中遇到问题,请您通过 global.alipay.com 选择国际支付宝在线客服进行咨询。

The status page will alert you to submit the security deposit and the annual

service fee for the store. Please submit the amount needed to your store’s Global Alipay account. If you experience any issues during the submission process, please contact online customer service via global.alipay.com for your inquiries.



Reminder: Each category has a different security deposit and annual service fee amount. Please reference 【Tmall Global Fee Standards】.


If the Global Alipay account associated with your store does not have the correct amount, the following notice will be shown:


五、发布商品,开通店铺上线。Publish products, Open Store


Once you have submitted the appropriate security deposit and annual service fee, you can follow the status page to edit and publish the number of required products. At the same time, you can start the store design process.


当您发布的宝贝数量达标且,您可点击【立即店铺上线】,您的年费将会被扣除,24 小时后,您可以在商家中心后台上线发布已经编辑的宝贝,开始正式经营。

Once you have published the number of products needed, you can click on

【Store Online】. Your annual service fee will be deducted. After 24 hours, you can use the merchant backend system to publish the products online and start operating your store for selling.

Reminder: It is advised that you complete all product preparation and store design before you click on 【Store Online】. Once this is clicked, your store is considered to be officially live and sales metrics will be counted whether or not you are ready for selling.



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